Joe Naughton's Fundraiser
Support our paddle to get more than 150 kids on to our local rivers!
Join us and help make a difference, please give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We, the Rockland High School Green Team, are paddling in the Great River Race to help get kids out onto our rivers. For the past two years we have participated in the Estuary Explorers Program, which has been the first time on the river for all of us involved. As a team we hope to raise $600 to benefit this program that has positively impacted us. We all know that getting kids outdoors is essential to their wellbeing and growth. Monies raised will directly impact the NSRWA's Estuary Explorers Program.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping us meet our goal for the North and South Rivers Watershed Association (NSRWA) and get kids outdoors. The NSRWA has been protecting our local waters since 1970 and needs our help to get more kids outdoors to do science in fun and meaningful ways.
By supporting our paddle you help bring kids outdoors on scientific explorations of the estuary. Thanks in advance for your support!
Visit www.nsrwa.org to learn more about this great organization.