What is Water Worth to You? image

What is Water Worth to You?

Make a gift today for cleaner waters and healthy rivers

$5,270 raised

$18,300 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

What is water worth to you? What is it worth to have enough water to drink, to shower in, to fight fires, water that is clean enough to eat shellfish from or to swim in? What is it worth to make sure there is enough clean water for people and nature to thrive?

You can help protect our local waters by making a year-end gift to the NSRWA.

By making a gift to the NSRWA you are part of the solution and have a tremendous impact in your community. With support from you and others like you, this year alone we:

  • Advocated against the building of dense development that would threaten the health of the North River
  • Notified the public of sewer discharges from the Scituate Wastewater Treatment Plant near the Spit and successfully appealed to the town to notify the public when such discharges occur
  • Urged the state to adopt reasonable conservation measures during droughts to ensure adequate supplies of drinking water and water in our rivers
  • With our sister watershed associations took legal action to demand the U.S. EPA not delay the implementation of Clean Water Act permits that require stormwater pollution to be cleaned up locally
  • Educated more than 3,000 children and adults about water conservation
  • Connected hundreds of people to local waters through outdoor programs and events

Now more than ever, the only way to protect water is through local action. The price of complacency has never been higher and the need to act now to protect our waters has never been greater.

Join our efforts for an impactful 2018 with your gift today!