Become a FundRacer to help get kids onto the rivers!
Start a fundraiser to fund our Estuary Explorers Program to get more than 150 kids onto the water in 2019!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Towards Our Goal
Recurring Donors
Become a FundRacer to get more kids out on the rivers in 2019!
Our 29th Great River Race is Saturday, July 13th. I hope you will paddle it again and consider becoming a FundRacer to help bring more kids out onto the water. As a FundRacer your registration fee is free! |
This year, the race committee is asking you to become a FundRacer. The monies you raise will help bring more kids to the rivers by funding our Estuary Explorers Program. All you need to do is click here to create your personal fundraiser page today. When you sign-up, you will receive all the tools you need to become a FundRacer. Choose a goal that is right for you (with a minimum of $150) and use our online platform to make a difference. Ask your friends to support your paddle to get more kids outdoors! You know that being outdoors is essential for children's wellbeing and growth. Will you help us get at least 150 local youth on the rivers in 2019? With your help, I know we will reach our campaign goal of $3,000 by July 13th! Our Estuary Explorers Program brings kids onto the North River estuary for guided scientific explorations through hands-on activities. Kids learn about science in a hands-on, meaningful, and fun ways. They explore salt marshes and tidal pools, take temperature and salinity profiles in the water, and conduct phytoplankton tows. The program is fully subsidized through fundraising efforts like this one. For many kids this is their first time on the river, on a boat or doing hands-on science. Thank you! |
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Recurring Donors
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Giving $50 Per MonthYou can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!
6 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!
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